
The presentation and interview is your opportunity to highlight the most salient points about your business story and showcase or emphasise elements of your business that you feel are most exceptional, important, inspiring or impressive.

Finalist interviews will be conducted October.

The venue will be advised at a later date.

Points to remember – please arrive early and check in with reception so they can direct you to your interview room. There will be a waiting area for you to sit and relax and someone will invite you into your interview room at your allocated time.

You must attend at your allocated time. Please note, if you arrive late you may miss your interview or be withdrawn from the process as there are very limited opportunities to reschedule.


You will be allocated 15 minutes to present about your business:

  • 1 minute for introductions
  • 7 minutes to pitch and showcase your business
  • 7 minutes to respond to any judges’ questions


Each interview is conducted with a panel of three judges.
One of the panel members will let you know 2 minutes before your interview time is due to conclude.

There are up to 15 interviews per day scheduled for each panel, so it is important to keep to a strict 15-minute limit for your interview. Not only to maintain the schedule but also to ensure that all finalists have a fair and equal opportunity to present their business.
Please make every effort to remain within your allocated time.

We recommend that you practice and time your presentation to ensure you have the best opportunity to showcase your business in a positive, engaging and timely manner.

Judging Criteria

You need to respond to the four key criteria below. You may do so in any way you feel will best showcase the most important aspects of your business and to help the judging panel see what makes you so successful:

  • What do you do?
  • How do you do it?
  • What are the results?
  • How are you exceptional?

As a fifth criterion, judges will also rate the quality of your presentation, such as style, clarity, confidence and engagement.

All criteria are worth a possible maximum of 10 points. The total score for your interview will therefore be assessed as a score out of 50.


After one minute for introductions, you have 7 minutes to pitch or present your business.
You may share about your business in any way you choose. Assume that the judging panel knows absolutely nothing about your business and tell them what you do, how you do it, what your results are and why you are exceptional. Share the stories of your success in ways that showcase your business in the best light possible.

Judges may then use the remaining time to ask any questions they have about your business.

You may present in any way you choose, including video or other technology or provide products, samples or demonstrations. However, please be advised that no technology, Wi-Fi access or tech support is available. If you decide to use any technology, you must be 100% self-sufficient. E.g. Bring your own laptop, pre-download videos, screenshot web pages, use your phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Also please keep in mind that you are not provided any additional time to set up or pack away.

Who Should Attend

Your main business representative should attend the interview. This would normally be the CEO, Owner, General Manager, Marketing Manager. You may bring along one additional business representative to assist with the interview presentation.

What to bring

If you have promotional materials or examples about your business that you would like to bring along to support your presentation you are welcome to do so. Keep in mind that you will be marked on your ability to respond to the criteria listed above, so only bring materials that are going to support your pitch and not distract from your key message.

As previously mentioned, if you have Audio Visual items that you would like to play (for example a video or PowerPoint) you will need to bring your own device, there will not be any AV equipment or Wi-Fi access provided.

You may also like to bring your own water bottle.

Our Tips

  • Be Prepared! You have the criteria and know what to expect. Practice your answers and presentation.
  • Arrive Early. Allow time for parking and to access the building. Give yourself time to relax and find your bearings before your interview.
  • Make sure you respond to the criteria the judges are assessing. If you bring promotional materials or examples, make sure they directly support your core message.
  • Be professional. Dress business casual or wear your business uniform.
  • Keep to the time. You have 15 minutes. Use them wisely. Give yourself time to answer questions and thank the judges before you leave.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you rehearse, the more confident you will be.
  • Relax! Everyone wants to see you succeed. You’re not nervous, you’re excited.

What’s next?

Once your interview is completed, there is no more for you to do. All scores will be uploaded to the database for final moderation and audits. All award winners will be announced at The Awards Gala.

While you wait, there is the Finalist Media Masterclass and Cocktail Reception on Thursday 10 October. And then we look forward to seeing you at The Awards Gala on Saturday 9 November. Make sure you have your tickets for both of these events.

Congratulations on being a 2024 Sunshine Coast Business Awards finalist. Good luck