How to enter
Step 1. Register an account at
Please note: if you are also registered on the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network Awards Portal, your login information may be the same. You will need to login and select the correct Awards program from the top left of your screen.
Step 2. Once registered, login to and click Start entry. This will create a draft application that you can save and return to at a later stage. You may go back to your application as many times as you require throughout the process until entries close.
Step 3. Complete all the mandatory sections of the application.
Step 4. When you are ready to submit your final application, go to the Final Submission tab and select Submit Entry.
The submission deadline is final and no extensions will be provided. The system will automatically prevent entry submission after 5.00PM AEST, Monday 18 August.
How to Enter Guide
How to edit your application in Award Force
- When you type or cut-and-paste your entry into Award Force, normal Word style formatting may not apply.
- Award Force uses a system called ‘Markdown’ for content formatting across the system.
- It’s a very simple and easy to learn method of formatting.
- CLICK HERE for instructions about how to create Headings, Bold, Italics, Bullet Points, Lists and Line Space using Markdown text.
Draft application form
- CLICK HERE to download a version of the 2025 Written Application Questions
- Use this document to draft your responses, then copy-and-paste your responses into the Awards Force application portal.
- All applications must be submitted online via the Award Force portal.
Judges Feedback and Writing Tips
Looking for more clues about how to write a great application? We asked our panel of judges for feedback about what they felt made some applications more competitive than others. Here’s what they told us: